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我们知道新学年的开始可能会很忙碌. Here, we hope to provide some useful information and resources that will assist you in navigating the beginning of the school year.
Our goal is for each student to be successful and to learn, grow, and inspire together. We want students and their families to feel the excitement and anticipation of the year before it begins and to be active and engaged in the learning taking place.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 这将是一个伟大的一年,日照!
  • 了解孩子的课程表,把它贴在显眼的地方. 
  • Access the school website and read the newsletters to receive information.
  • Encourage your child to participate in school events, clubs and activities.
  • 如果你想更好地理解你从孩子那里听到的东西, 打电话给他们的老师核实一下. 
  • 当孩子遇到挑战时,不要急于去救他们. 支持孩子的学习,不要替他们做功课. If the challenge is a social situation, listen and let them find solutions with your guidance.
  • 鼓励他们和老师交谈, guidance counsellor, 学生成功老师, 在他们需要帮助的时候找校长.
  • Hold high expectations for your child and show them in your words and through your behavior that you know they can succeed.
  • 为孩子的努力工作和任何形式的成就庆祝.
  • No matter how old they get or how busy you get – ask about their day – talk about their day – celebrate their day!​


  • 运动信息
  • 位置的评估
  • Key Contacts
  • 贝尔时间表(8月生效)
  • 拼车地图(8月推出)
  • Ways to get Involved
  • New Student Tips
  • Quick Links





July 28-August 3: OSAA Moratorium Week - all facilities are closed for the week.

If you are interested in playing a fall sport, below is the contact info for coaches:

Students need to have an OSAA Physical on file in order to participate in WCHS athletics. 这份表格可以在这里找到. 体育体检有效期为两年. Questions? 接触


  • More details soon
Textbook & Chromebook退房
  • 8月20日,星期二(九年级 ONLY) → tbd
  • 8月27日星期二(所有年级)→下午4点至6点


  • 我们的返校烧烤是周二,8月27日,从6:00到7:00! Join us for delicious food and community as we enter into the excitement of this coming school year. 将提供汉堡和热狗. 如果您有任何饮食限制,请相应地计划. 
Tuesday, August 27th - 7:00 - 8:30 pm | 新生迎新 and Parent Orientation  
  • 继8月27日星期二的返校烧烤之后,我们的 新生迎新 (on the field) and Parent Orientation (在礼堂)将于晚上7点开始,8点30分结束.
Tuesday, August 27th - 7:00 - 8:00 pm | 高级项目家长会  
  • 继8月27日星期二的返校烧烤活动之后 高级项目家长会 从7点开始到8点结束. This meeting will be in the library and will provide helpful information on the Senior Project your students will be doing this coming year. 





图片日| 9月5日,星期四






Assessments are available for incoming 9th grade students and new student transfers.

Students who want to take any of the following classes need to come to Westside and take a 30-60 minute placement assessment. 

  • Spanish 2
  • 代数1以外的任何数学课
  • AP World History
  • English 9 Honors

如需预约,请与斯科特·鲍尔联系 or 503.697.4711 x1222.


Key Contacts



Scott Ball, 助理校长(学术)

Mr. 鲍尔为每个学生制定学习时间表. He should be your students' first point of contact with any questions regarding scheduling, 比如添加或删除一个类. Mr. 鲍尔还为家长举办了一年一度的“上大学”研讨会. 



David Henry, Athletic Director

Mr. 亨利是所有体育问题的主要联络人. Students who plan to participate in any conditioning activities this summer or fall will need to have a OSAA Physical Form 由医生填写. 





Cassandra Tyner, Director of Finance

Mrs. Tyner is the best resource regarding any billing questions including tuition and fees. 





There will be two students from each grade elected to represent their class each year.  If you are interested in STUCO and serving your class by providing input into student activities, this is for you.  选举将在开学的第二周举行. All three school events are planned by STUCO: Fall Fest, Sadie Hawkins, and Prom. They also host two to three class parties each year with activities such as snow tubing, Bullwinkle parties, bowling, movie nights, game nights, karaoke and more.


这个团队注重学生群体的精神生活. 如果你想在学生中对基督产生影响, 这是在你的同伴中培养门徒的一种方式.  You will be able to use the talents the Lord has given you to work at events like Community nights and Chapels.
SMT is an amazing opportunity to serve the Westside community through spiritual life and student leadership. 如果你有兴趣加入这个团队, 请仔细阅读职位描述并填写申请表(点击这里了解更多信息).


Student Ambassadors 
这些学生被选中代表WCHS参加各种活动, 其中包括开放日, 返校之夜, 为新生和其他社区服务提供指导. If you are outgoing and love to meet new people, this is a great opportunity for you.
你可以通过联系成为学生大使 Mr. Housley.





Westside Christian's award-winning music program is the best in the state for Choir and Band. There are four different music classes for Westside students: Westside Voices, Concert Band, Soli Deo Gloria, 点燃敬拜团队. Westside hosts two concerts each year highlighting all Westside music students. Westside's band and choir compete in statewide competitions for the 3A level.
Contact Mr. Fox西区音乐总监,如有任何问题.   


西区有12个体育项目达到了美国体育协会3A级的标准. Westside Christian strongly encourages each student to be involved at WCHS, which allows our students to try new things and actively participate in the community.
You can learn more about the programs outlined below by contacting our Athletic Director Mr. Henry
Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer 
Volleyball - Girls 
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Sideline Cheer 
Baseball - Boys
Softball - Girls 
Golf - Boys  
Tennis - Girls 
Track and Field
Volleyball - Boys 


Visual Arts
Westside offers many different art classes for students at all levels and of all interests in art. Students can participate in 2D design classes starting at intro to art and work through advanced art, AP工作室美术和3D设计, 学生开发作品集. Students can also take Digital Design and learn the skills of Photoshop and Illustrator. Lastly, Westside offers a yearbook class that provides students an opportunity to represent their year at Westside.


Performing Arts 
西区在1987年开办了一个戏剧项目. Students have the opportunity to participate in straight plays, one acts, and musicals each year. 这是一个让学生表演的课外机会, produce, set-design, costume, 并提供技术支持. Theatre is a great way to get involved in a community and try something new.
如果您对我们的戏剧节目有任何疑问,请联系 Ms. Pringle.



New Student Tips


Quick Links



Academic Questions:
Scott Ball,学术顾问
503.697.4711 x1222
Financial Questions:
Cassandra Tyner,财务总监
503.697.4711 x1240
Student Activities:
503.697.4711 x1355
Athletic Director:
503.697.4711 x1202



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